Top 3 Videos of the Masters

Watching masters at work inspires a lot of people. In enjoy watching these videos and try to show it to lot of people. Watching these videos can inspire any one to continue practice. Two of these videos are very old, more than 70 years old. The precision with which the poses are practiced and the transformation from one pose to another is remarkable.

1. Shri Krishmacharya was the guru of lot of masters like BKS Iyengar and Pattabhi Jois. Here is a video which shows him practicing. The control is beautiful and the flow seems effortless. Remember he is around 50 yrs old at this time.

2. Shri BKS Iyengar was a weakling who transformed himself into a strong yogi with constant practice. His guidance and teachings have inspired millions and will continue to do so in the time to come. His book "Light On Yoga" is a considered Yoga Bible and it inspired me into yoga seriously. Although I have not met him, I consider him my guru.

3. In this Video BKS Iyengar shows the power of his lungs developed through practicing pranayama. Practicing Pranayama over a long duration also develops control of the mind. I love this video. Just see how long he is able to prolong the inhalation and the exhalation. He is able to perform single inhalation and exhalation for around a minute which is very tough.

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