5 Steps to Beat Back Pain

I have written multiple posts in last two months on asanas which are beneficial for back problems. Usually the back bend postures are beneficial for the back problems as they strengthen the back muscles and few of them align the disks in case of slip disk. Apart from the asanas there are few other areas in day to day life which if taken care, can help you in recovering faster and avoiding the problem in future. Here are 5 steps which will help you to beat back pain.

  1. Sitting on the Floor
    This point is for people who are already suffering from back pain or who have weak back. Sitting on the floor puts pressure on the lower back and aggravates the lower back injury. If you want to practice pranayama or meditation sit on a flat wooden chair and try to support the back.

  2. Leaning or bending forward while lifting weight: Leaning forward or bending to pick some heavy objects from the ground, picking up your child is also a strict no no. The golden rule is to bend from the knees and keep the back as straight as possible while picking up any object. In case of back pain you should totally avoid lifting any weight. You should also avoid any forward bending asanas.

  3. Reduce Animal Protein Foods : While recovering from the back pain avoid animal proteins like meat, eggs etc as it will prolong the recovery period. Taking vegetarian food which are easily digestible are good for recovery. Avoid food which cause constipation and take a lot of water. Constipation increases back ache and arthritis

  4. Maintain Proper Weight : Maintaining proper weight helps avoiding back problems. Additional fat is usually deposited in the belly for the men and it results in paunch. Your body needs to carry that additional weight all the time. Additional weight on the belly puts extra pressure on the back and chances of injury increase.

  5. Strengthen Your Back with Yoga : Last but not the least is to have a stronger and flexible back. There are numerous asanas which are beneficial in back problem. Back bending asanas strengthen the back muscles as they are directly exercised. These asanas also remove stiffness of the back muscles and make them flexible. In case the back problems have just started it can be cured in a week usually. For more chronic problems it will require constant practice from few weeks to few months. I would advice practicing the back bend postures twice a day for back pain patients. Only thing to take care is not to over exert. I have written about those asanas previously. Here are links to few of the previous articles on back bend postures.

    Ardh Dhanush Asana (Half Bow Pose)- Yoga For Lower Back Pain
    Makarasana (Crocodile Pose)
    Sphinx pose
    Ardh Shalbhasana For Lower Back Problems

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