Triyak Tadasana (Swinging Palm Tree Pose)
>> Tuesday, February 01, 2011 –
Body Balance,
Standing Pose
This pose is extension of Tadasana and has similar effects to that pose plus some additional effects and benefits.
How To Practice Triyak Tadasana?
- Stand with feet around 2 to 3 feet apart.
- With inhalation take the hands above your head and lock the fingers.
- Now with exhalation stretch to your right. Try to bend as much as possible towards your waist.
- Stay for around 10 breaths and with inhalation come back to original position.
- Now repeat the same towards the left side.
- Repeat the entire steps for 5 times.
- With exhalation bring the hands down.
Benefits of Triyak Tadasana
- It stretches the sides of the waist and reduces the fat from them. This happens especially during the Laghu Shankh Prakshalan when it is done after drinking lukewarm water.
- The entire back and the nerves are massaged. The spinal cord is stretched which increases the blood flow in the region.
- Intestine is stretched and improves the peristaltic movement and helps in cleaning the intestine and helps in relieving constipation.
- Improves the body balance and keeps you mentally alert.
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