Kandharasana (Shoulder Pose)
>> Tuesday, July 07, 2009 –
Back problems
Kandharasana or the Shoulder pose is an pose in which part of the body weight is on the shoulders. This asana is good for Thyroid and can be practiced after inverted asanas like Sarvangasana.
How to practice Kandharasana
- Lie down on your back on the mat with the hands placed near the body.
- Fold the legs from the knees and place the feet near your hips.
- Hold the legs near the ankles with the hands.
- Raise the buttocks and try to lift the body as much as possible.
- In the final position keep the weight on the shoulders, neck, arms and feet.
- Stay for as long as possible and slowly come back to ground with exhalation.
- Practice this for 2 to 3 times.
Benefits of Kandharsana
- During this pose there is more blood flow through the thyroid glands therefore it is good for treating the various conditions of thyroid glands.
- The back is also strengthened and cures back pains and helps in realigning the spinal cord.
- This pose opens the lungs and it is good for respiratory problems including asthma
- The upper thigh and groin is stretched and toned.
- Practicing this asana after Sarvangasana increases the benefits of Sarvangasana.
Persons having neck pain or hernia should not practice this.