Sphinx Pose for Lower Back Pain

Sphinx Pose For Lower Back Problem
Many of us suffer from Lower Back pain and it can almost disable a person. Sphinx pose is an excellent way to get rid of Lower Back Pain. It is easy to practice this asana and most people can practice this without any discomfort.

Sphinx Asana helps to regulate the blood flow towards the lower back and removes the tension and toxins from that region; therefore it is used to treat back pain problems.

How to Practice Sphinx Asana

  1. Sphinx asana is performed by lying on the mat on your stomach.

  2. Bring the elbows near to your shoulders and palms touching the ground.

  3. With exhalation lift the upper body. Body part below the navel should be touching the ground.

  4. You can regulate the height of the lift by upper shoulders.

  5. Once you are comfortable with the body position, close your eyes and concentrate on the breathing. This will enable you to breathe deeply.

  6. After around 15 to 20 breaths slowly lower yourself and rest.

  7. Repeat this for another round.

In case you have severe lower back pain then this should not be practiced. Once the pain reduces practice till you are comfortable then come out of this pose. Gradually increase the time. You can do it twice a day when treating the lower back problem. Staying longer on this pose affects the lower back more and more beneficial.

Benefits of Sphinx Pose

  1. Relieves Lower Back Pain and Slip Disk.

  2. Makes you ready for the back bends. Opens up the Chest area.

  3. Strengthens and tones the shoulders and upper back therefore making you ready for the inverted Poses.

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Makarasana (Crocodile Pose)
Ardh Shalbhasana For Lower Back Problems

I have come across another site which deals mainly with lower back pain. You may visit it at Lower Back Problems.

Anonymous –   – (12:02 PM)  

To make a warming herbal compress, put a cup of boiling water in a small bowl. Stir in one teaspoon each of cayenne powder and ginger powder.For more information click relieve lower back pain.

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