Turmeric for Healthy Gums
Turmeric is a herb as well as widely prevalent food in India. Turmeric has many medicinal properties documented in Ayurveda. It is widely known for it antiseptic and healing properties. In case of cough and cold and even internal injury including the bone injury, in India, patient is prescribed one glass of Milk with Turmeric powder mixed in it. Regular consumption of milk with turmeric cures the problems of cough, and heals injury. In case of any cuts and wounds also turmeric is applied on the would which helps in clotting of blood as well as healing the wound faster by killing the bacteria. Turmeric is also used for skin beautification by applying it is as skin pack along with other herbs.
One of the uses of turmeric is in preventing gums decay therefore keeping the teeth healthy. If you suffer from bad breath due to infection in gums, or bleeding in gums turmeric treatment is the answer. This treatment is very easy and will not take more then 2-3 minutes of your time. Turmeric is very cheap alternative to all the mouth washes we have in market and easily available in any Indian Grocery store.
How to treat the gums with Turmeric?
In the morning or night before brushing your teeth, take a pinch of Turmeric powder and massage your gums with index or middle finger with turmeric applied on them. Make sure you apply the turmeric on the entire area of the gums. While massaging make strokes from the inner side of the mouth, that is from the base of the gums towards the teeth. After applying wait for a minute and then brush your teeth as you normally would. If you have any gum infection you will find that within 2 days gums will start improving and you don't have to worry about infection.
This is the cheapest maintenance package you will find for our teeth :) and applying it regularly will ensure healthy teeth and pain free gums for a long time to come.
One of the uses of turmeric is in preventing gums decay therefore keeping the teeth healthy. If you suffer from bad breath due to infection in gums, or bleeding in gums turmeric treatment is the answer. This treatment is very easy and will not take more then 2-3 minutes of your time. Turmeric is very cheap alternative to all the mouth washes we have in market and easily available in any Indian Grocery store.
How to treat the gums with Turmeric?
In the morning or night before brushing your teeth, take a pinch of Turmeric powder and massage your gums with index or middle finger with turmeric applied on them. Make sure you apply the turmeric on the entire area of the gums. While massaging make strokes from the inner side of the mouth, that is from the base of the gums towards the teeth. After applying wait for a minute and then brush your teeth as you normally would. If you have any gum infection you will find that within 2 days gums will start improving and you don't have to worry about infection.
This is the cheapest maintenance package you will find for our teeth :) and applying it regularly will ensure healthy teeth and pain free gums for a long time to come.
This is really helpful I'll buy one of these and use it myself.
I always inspired by you, your thoughts and attitude, again, thanks for this nice post.
- Norman