Uttitha Trikon Asana (Triangle Pose) for Leg Strength, Stiff neck and back

Uttitha Trikon Asana (Triangle Pose) is one of the most popular and famous poses of yoga. Usually beginners of yoga in Iyengar methodology practice this. In fact most classes start with this pose. This pose gives a great insight to both newcomer and experienced yogis alike about how yoga can help you to develop awareness. When you see somebody doing this pose, you may be tempted to feel that it is very easy pose, and there is not much into it. Once you invite yourself to try out this pose you are sure to come out of this beautiful pose, transformed and besotted to yoga. This pose is also useful pose as a warm up for the next poses as almost all the major muscles groups are affected.
I am showing three ways to practice this Asana from a beginner to advanced practitioner. Once one level is mastered then go on to the next level. This asana is one of the asanas which builds leg strength required for the next asanas.

How to Practice Trikon Asana - Method 1 - With a Stool

  1. This method is useful for people with very less flexibility and who are very much overweight.

  2. Place a small stool, less than the height of your knees behind the mat. The stool should be placed behind the side where hands will go down.

  3. Stand on the mat with feet around 3 feet to 3.5 feet apart and hands extended out depending on your height. More the height, more should be the span between the two legs.

  4. Stand for few seconds while inhaling deeply.

  5. Rotate your right feet outward and make it perpendicular to your knees. Rotate your left feet around 30 degrees inside.

  6. Exhale and bend down on the right hand side, while placing the hand on the stool. Extend the left arm up. Look at the thumb of the left hand and try to align the left and right hand in one line.

  7. Stay for few breaths and then try to adjust by opening up the hip.

  8. Again stay for around 30 seconds and with inhalation come out of the pose.

  9. Repeat this for other side also with equal time.

  10. You will find that when you repeat the set, second time you will be able to stretch more, therefore it is recommended to practice 2 to 3 sets if you want to progress faster in this pose.

How to Practice Trikon Asana - Method 2 - With Leg Bent Slightly

  1. This method is suitable for people who are able to bend sideways but flexibility/strength is less in the legs. Some yoga schools practice Trikon asana in this manner and do not practice method 3 given below.

  2. Stand on the mat with feet around 3 feet to 3.5 feet apart and hands extended out.

  3. Stand for few seconds while inhaling deeply.

  4. Rotate your right feet outward and make it perpendicular to your knees. Rotate your left feet around 30 degrees inside.

  5. Exhale and bend down on the right hand side, bend the right knee little and place the palm on the floor. Extend the left arm up. Look at the thumb of the left hand and try to align the left and right hand in one line.

  6. Follow from step 6 onwards from the method 1

How to Practice Trikon Asana - Method 3 - Advanced Pose

  1. This method is suitable for people who are able to perform the asana with method 2 easily.

  2. Stand on the mat with feet around 3 feet to 3.5 feet apart and hands extended out.

  3. Stand for few seconds while inhaling deeply.

  4. Rotate your right feet outward and make it perpendicular to your knees. Rotate your left feet around 30 degrees inside.

  5. Exhale and bend down on the right hand side and place the palm on the floor. Extend the left arm up. Look at the thumb of the left hand and try to align the left and right hand in one line.

  6. Follow from step 6 onwards from the method 1

Benefits of Uttitha Trikon Asana - Triangle Pose

  1. This pose acts on the arms, back, sides of the abdomen, hamstring, calf and ankles and neck.

  2. Reduces fat from the sides of the abdomen.

  3. Uttitha Trikon Asana is beneficial in stiff neck problem as the neck muscles are given a twist while looking up.

  4. Legs gain strength and regular practice makes the legs ready for advanced asana. They also become shapely.

  5. Back muscles of the legs, i.e. Hamstring and calf are stretched therefore making them strong and flexible.

  6. Back muscles are strengthened.

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Anonymous –   – (2:18 AM)  

Very enlightening and beneficial to someone whose been out of the circuit for a long time.

- Kris

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