Bhramri Pranayama - Get Rid of Nervous Tension

Bhramri Pranayama is one of the easiest Pranayama to perform and is very beneficial for curing stress and nervous tension. Bhramri means humming sound of bee or wasp. While practicing this humming sound is produced, hence this pranayama is known as Bhramari Pranayama. Usually it is performed at the end of the yoga session.

How to Practice Bhramri Pranayama

Technique to practice Bhramri Pranayama is very simple and even children can learn it very easily.

  1. Sit in any asana where in you spine is straight, like Padmasana, Ardh Padmasana, Vajrasana etc.

  2. Using both hands close ears with thumbs, put the index fingers on forehead, middle fingers are placed gently on the closed eyes making sure not to press them. Rest remaining two fingers on base of nose nearer to the eyes.

  3. Breathe in slowly and to your full capacity.

  4. Concentrate your mind on Ajna Chakra (between eye-brows) and try to imagine a ball of light, or any spiritual symbol, or any god/goddess whom you worship. Close your mouth. Start making humming sound of a bee from the throat. Do not make any conscious effort to exhale, just concentrate on the humming sound. This way you will automatically lengthen the exhalation.

    You should be able to feel the vibrations in the upper organs. Try to adjust the thumb in the ear to a position wherein the vibrations are maximum when you are humming.

  5. Once exhalation is complete, again inhale deeply and follow step 4. Repeat the exercise upto 7 times and then gradually increase to 11 and then to 21 times according to your capacity.

  6. After you finish the desired number of rounds sit quietly while hands are placed on your knees. You will experience that the vibrations lasts for minutes after the pranayama is completed and you can feel the bliss.

  7. After few minutes of sitting quietly, perform palming by rubbing you palms vigorously and heating them up. Them cup the eyes with palms placed gently on your eyes, taking care not to press the eyes.
Benefits of Bhramri Pranayama

  1. This pranayama energizes the region above the neck, including eyes, ears, throat etc. But the most beneficial effect is on the brain as the stress is released. Putting the fingers on the forehead increase the awareness and helps us to concentrate on the effects of the pranayama. The energy flows from our fingers on to the sense organs like nose, ears, eyes and soothes them.

  2. This pranayama calms down the nerves and has a extremely sooting affect. It also give the practitioner the taste of meditation, as the effect is quite similar to that.

  3. This is also beneficial in Hypertension and increases confidence.

  4. If children practice this pranayama regularly it helps them in studies by increasing their memory and concentration power.

  5. This pranayama also increases the vital capacity of the lungs and helps practice deep breathing.
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Migraine Relief with Yoga and Pranayama

Unknown  – (7:50 PM)  

how does it helps to cure migraine???

AWS Notes  – (8:48 PM)  

Hi Rpanjali,

When we practice Bharmari pranayama, the nerves of the head, nose and ear region get relaxed and soothed. This reduces the tension and hence it is good for Migraine.

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