Strengthen your back and leg strength with Virbhadra Asana 2 (Warrior Pose)

Do you wish you see yourself practicing one of the asanas seen on almost all yoga articles or magazines? Here you go. In this post I want to present one of the most published asanas. This asana is known as Virbhadra Asana or the Warrior pose. Virbhadra Asana is one of my favorite poses. This pose looks beautiful and more so when a group of yogis practice it together. There are three variations to Virbhadra Asana and like the other two variations; yogi practicing this pose looks very smooth, and elegant. This is one of the basic standing poses and very helpful for strengthening the lower body and entire back. This pose improves the leg strength of the yogi and they become shapely.

This pose looks quite simple and easy to practice but those who try to practice it for the first time can immediately realize that it requires more strength than what it looks like when looking at someone practicing it. When I practice this pose I realize that it is same case in lot of other spheres of life. Lot of tasks looks simple when others do it till the time comes for us to do those same tasks. When this happens when we realize difficulties in performing those particular tasks. Practicing those tasks also changes our perspective and we understand new intricacies.

How to Practice Virbhadra Asana 2 (Warrior Pose)

  1. Stand on mat with the legs around 4 feet apart. Depending on your height you can either increase or decrease the distance between the legs.

  2. Stretch the hands sideways with the palms down and arms at the level of the shoulders. Try to stretch the hands as far as possible.

  3. Take few seconds to stabilize in this position.

  4. With exhalation turn the right foot outside so that it is right angled to the hip.

  5. Now turn the left foot inside and lock the left knee by tightening the quadriceps.

  6. Turn the face towards the right foot.

  7. Now with exhalation bend the right leg from the knee so that the thigh is parallel to the ground. Try to feel the weight on the right buttock.

  8. Adjust the upper body so that it is straight and not leaning towards the right leg.

  9. Stay in this pose for around 10 seconds in the beginning. Gradually increase it to 30 seconds to 45 seconds.

  10. With inhalation again come back to standing position and then straighten the feet so that they are in original position.

  11. Now repeat the pose for the left side.

  12. Repeat the sequence twice.

Benefits of Virbhadra Asana 2 (Warrior Pose)
  1. Improves Stamina.

  2. Improves the thigh strength.

  3. Improves the shape of the buttocks.

  4. Improves the chest shape and back is strengthened.

  5. Prepares the body for more intense poses.

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