Standing Yoga Poses - Possess Stronger Body with Grace

Standing Yoga Poses are the starting poses for most yogis. Typically in Iyengar system beginners need to practice the standing poses before moving on to other poses. Standing poses build strength and stamina and prepare the body for the advanced poses by developing the coordination of different muscle groups. These poses also build body balance, especially the ones in which body is balanced on a single leg and it improves the coordination. Yogis also become mentally alert after practicing standing poses. The standing poses also strengthen the back, abdomen region and help in relieving muscle sprains in the back and neck region. The shoulders open up and so does the chest which improves the body posture.

Our body consists of muscles, tissues, ligaments and bones. When you practice the standing poses, entire lower region of body is used. Practicing multiple poses one after another utilizes multiple muscle groups and ligaments and makes them stronger.
I suffered serious ligament injury in the knee and after that I was not able to walk properly and folding my left leg was almost impossible after that. With practice of standing poses along with loosening exercises of the knee, I have recovered from that injury and now face no trouble at all. I am able to sit in Padmasana again which tests the flexibility of the knee joint a lot. The standing poses also open up the joints and reduce inflammation of the joints.

When you will practice the standing poses you can feel the muscles which are being used. Being aware of this is important as next time you practice you can feel if you are doing it correctly by concentrating on the feeling you have on those same muscles.

How to Practice the Standing Sequences?
It is important to rotate the poses which you practice from day to day. If you practice everyday then on a day select 3 to 4 poses as per your capacity and then practice them. Next day pick another set of 3 to 4 poses and practice the set. Keep the set for each day consistent. This has two benefits. Firstly even if you take 3 poses in a set, you will be able to practice six poses in two days consistently. Secondly since practicing only 3 poses is less tiring that 6 poses you would be able to practice them with more energy and concentration and the poses can be mastered more easily and the progress is faster and better.

For weak persons standing poses can be tiring and they should take care not to take too much strain. Also persons with weak heart should be careful not to be too long in a strenuous pose. I have written a article on avoiding tiredness while practicing poses here.

Another thing to consider is to gradually start increasing the timing for the poses. It is important to gradually increase the time you spend on a pose as this will help in increasing mastery of the pose and provide more benefits.

As you keep on practicing the poses over a period of time you will notice that the effect which a pose has on a particular body part, and you interpret the pose's effects emotionally and intellectually will change. When you begin a pose in the initial days the experience will be different compared to few weeks later and will continue to change. That is the most exciting part of practicing yoga poses.

There are other subtle points which should be considered which can enhance the Another aspect to consider is the distance between the legs which would vary as per your height. You would need to experiment a little to find the right way for your body. Also proper breathing is important when transforming from one position to another, or while going into or coming out of a pose.

With constant practice and determination you will possess strong and shapely legs which will help you not only in other poses but also enhance your physical capacity to undertake the daily activities of life full of energy and ease.

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Standing Poses

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