Ardh Dhanush Asana (Half Bow Pose)- Yoga For Lower Back Pain
>> Wednesday, June 10, 2009 –
Back problems,
Yoga Pose
Recently I have been writing on asanas (Poses) which are beneficial for the back. In that series I am adding another one. The asanas which I have mentioned are all very easy to practice and extremely beneficial for the lower back. Ardh Dhanush Asana is also very easy and beneficial. I practice it towards the end of the back posture. This posture provides a nice massage to my back and removes the tiredness. It is easier version of the Dhanush Asana (Full Bow Pose). Usually in Dhanush Asana legs will also be lifted, but I am presenting a easier pose for those of you with weak back.
How to Practice Dhanush Asana
- Lie down on the mat on your stomach facing down.
- Fold the knees and hold the ankles with both the hands.
- With inhalation lift your upper body. Try to look up as this will provide more stretch to your back.
- Stay with normal breathing for 10-15 seconds.
- With exhalation come back to normal position.
Benefits of Dhanush Asana
- As you can see from the steps it is very easy pose to practice and extremely beneficial for the back.
- Posture improves as the back muscles are strengthened.
- This pose is also beneficial for digestive system as it stretches the abdomen.
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