Shavasana - Relaxing after a hard day at the office

Do you feel too tired to devote time and energy for your family after a hard day at office? Here is the solution. After you come back, have a nice shower and practice Shavasana for 10 to 15 minutes and you will have more energy for your family.

Shavasana is one of the easiest poses physically. In this pose you would need to lie down on the floor like a corpse. Shav in Sanskrit means a corpse hence this posture is named Shavasana. If done properly, provides rest to the entire body including the various organs, muscles and tissues. This is must after every Yoga Session and sometime between the asansa if they are too strenuous.

How to Practice Shavasana

  • Lie on the mat on your back. Close your eyes.

  • Make slight adjustments to the distance between the fee and the position of the hands so that you are totally relaxed. You may move the back a little if required so as to come to a position where you will be comfortable and would not need to move for the duration of the practice.

  • Take few deep and long breaths especially concentrating on the stomach so as to relax it.

  • Now focus on big toe on the right leg and mentally try to relax it. After one or two seconds take the focus to middle finger of the right feet. Similarly take the focus to different parts of the right leg like below the feet, area on the back of the feet, calf, shin, knee, joints etc. for one or two seconds and try to mentally relax that part.

  • Once you relax the right leg parts, then visualize that entire right leg is relaxed.

  • Then one by one take to focus to left leg, both hands, parts of face, back and entire body parts. Try to do it slowly and repeat it once more.

  • When you have completed relaxing all the body parts, focus on your breathing and you will notice that you are totally relaxed.

  • Continue as long as you want and then bring the awareness outside your body and slowly come out of the pose

Things to Note
  • Imagination play a crucial part in this, as you can imagine that you are taking positive energy from the universe on inhalation and throwing out stress and negative energy, emotion from the body on exhalation. Over the period you will gradually gain expertise in this pose and will be able to relax very easily, even while traveling in a plane or train you can try to relax the body in a sitting posture.

  • For proper relaxation spread the mat on top of a blanket as it will give some cushion to the body. Usually the Yoga Mats are not more than 3 to 3.5 feet wide. if the mat is there on a cold floor, you will be aware of the coldness where the hand touches the floor. Putting a blanket or carpet below the mat will eliminate this problem and you will be able to practice the pose in a better manner.

  • Select a neat and quite place or room for this practice.

Benefits of Shavasana
Shavasana relaxes the entire body and mind and helps in stress related diseases like high blood pressure, insomnia, depression and increases the healing in case of other diseases. It also gives rest to the entire body after yoga practice.

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asha –   – (7:06 AM)  


your website is very informative and interesting. i practise yoga for 40 minutes 5days a week.but i have high age is 39. is it okay to practise yoga when i have bp is in fluctating.pls answer.

AWS Notes  – (7:52 PM)  

Hi Asha,

You should avoid the inverted poses and the more strenuous poses during the high BP. You can practice the forward bending poses like Paschimottansana, Shashankasana or Janushirshana for controlling BP.

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