How to take care of your Heart with Yoga
>> Saturday, May 09, 2009 –
Heart care
Heart is one of the most important organs of your body and yet it is ignored as it silently keeps on beating through out your life. To understand the importance of heart and the amount of hard work it need to do consider a man of 70 years old. If his heart has been beating at a normal rate of 70 times a minute that means it has pumped 2,575,440,000 times till now. It has not stopped to rest even for a minute. These numbers easily depict how much strain heart has to sustain. Heart keeps on pumping fresh and oxygenated blood into the arteries from where it reaches each and every cell all over the body. The blood containing the toxins mainly carbon dioxide is returned from the body via the veins. Heart sends this blood to lungs which takes out the carbon dioxide and oxygenates the blood and then it is sent back to the heart. The heart pumps out the oxygenated blood back into the arteries. This cycle keeps on happening throughout our life and therefore it is vital that the heart is healthy so that we can carry on living properly.
Role of Cholesterol
There are various factors which are important in the healthy functioning of the heart. One of them is the Cholesterol in your body. Cholesterol is a compound found in the body which is used for various body functionality like maintaining the cell fluidity and basic cellular health. Liver converts the Cholesterol into bile which is then used for digesting and absorption of fatty acids and fat soluble compounds.
Major sources of Cholesterol include animal products which include butter, egg and meat. Another major source of Cholesterol is the fried food even if it is vegetable product as they contain trans fat which are not required in the body. As we keep on consuming animal fat and trans fat the cholesterol starts gradually accumulating in the arteries and they start getting narrower. This puts pressure on the heart to pump the blood. This is one of the reasons of high blood pressure. If the artery gets completely blocked then it leads to heart attacks which can be fatal.
Usually inner surface of the artery is smooth but when that surface get accumulated with cholesterol the surface becomes rough and increases resistance to the flow of blood and increases the chances of blood clot. Another problem with accumulation of cholesterol is a condition called Atherosclerosis wherein the arteries are hardened and become less flexible. Usually there are techniques such as angioplasty which are used by doctors to remove the blockages of arteries. These are quite costly and at the same time in future some other place in the artery can get blocked. It is better to follow a healthy lifestyle which will eliminate or reduce the chances of such problems.
How to take care of your heart with Yoga
Following Asanas can be practiced which include sitting and forward bending asanas. Forward bending asanas calm the mind and massages the heart.
Nadi Shodhan pranayama is very useful for clearing the blockages of heart. This pranayama also removes stress which is beneficial for the heart.
Anuloma Viloma Pranayama
Anuloma Viloma Pranayama is similar to Nadi Shodhan Pranayama, only difference is it can be done bit faster than Nadi Shodhan. Here are the simple steps.
This completes one round. The procedure is similar to Nadi shodhan pranayama, but in Nadi Shodhana pranayama it is done very slowly and there is not sound while breathing. in anuloma viloma pranamaya you can hear the sound of the air against the nasal walls while breathing. Important thing to remember is to try to inhale and exhale to full capacity of your lungs. Complete 20 rounds and over the period of next few months you can increase it to 80-90 rounds. You can also take a break depending on your capacity and resume after some rest. This Pranayama will oxygenate the entire body, remove stress and remove the blockages from the arteries.
Reduce the animal fat and fried food intake to minimum. Avoid meat products and try to stick to vegetarian food. Avoid over eating and spicy food as digesting heavy food put more pressure on the digestive system and the heart.
Gourd Juice (Louki in Hindi)
This has been popularized a lot by Swami Ramdev and thousands of people have reportedly benefited from this. Drinking a glass of Gourd Juice every day clears the blockages of heart. Make sure that the juice should not be bitter. Gourd (Louki) is readily available all over India and found in most Indian grocery stores abroad and quite cheap.
Reduce Stress
Avoiding stress is also vital. When we are stressful the heart rate increases and it starts pumping more blood and the blood pressure rises. Avoiding the stress is very important factor for heart patients. There is an earlier post on Conscious relaxation which is very good way to reduce stress. Another way to reduce stress is to meditate regularly. Take out some time in the day (preferably in the early morning) and try to meditate for at least 15 minutes.
Jal Neti
Jal Neti clears the nasal passage and helps in easy breathing, as well as good for reducing blood pressure.
Living a Healthy Lifestyle
It is better to follow a lifestyle which will eliminate these problems as they say prevention is better than cure. Living a simple life while enjoying the gifts which we have received from god and being content in them is essential to healthy living. A combination of yoga asanas, Pranayama, proper food and avoiding stress are excellent ways to ensure a healthy life.
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Role of Cholesterol
There are various factors which are important in the healthy functioning of the heart. One of them is the Cholesterol in your body. Cholesterol is a compound found in the body which is used for various body functionality like maintaining the cell fluidity and basic cellular health. Liver converts the Cholesterol into bile which is then used for digesting and absorption of fatty acids and fat soluble compounds.
Major sources of Cholesterol include animal products which include butter, egg and meat. Another major source of Cholesterol is the fried food even if it is vegetable product as they contain trans fat which are not required in the body. As we keep on consuming animal fat and trans fat the cholesterol starts gradually accumulating in the arteries and they start getting narrower. This puts pressure on the heart to pump the blood. This is one of the reasons of high blood pressure. If the artery gets completely blocked then it leads to heart attacks which can be fatal.
Usually inner surface of the artery is smooth but when that surface get accumulated with cholesterol the surface becomes rough and increases resistance to the flow of blood and increases the chances of blood clot. Another problem with accumulation of cholesterol is a condition called Atherosclerosis wherein the arteries are hardened and become less flexible. Usually there are techniques such as angioplasty which are used by doctors to remove the blockages of arteries. These are quite costly and at the same time in future some other place in the artery can get blocked. It is better to follow a healthy lifestyle which will eliminate or reduce the chances of such problems.
How to take care of your heart with Yoga
Following Asanas can be practiced which include sitting and forward bending asanas. Forward bending asanas calm the mind and massages the heart.
- Shashanka Asana
- Janu Shirshasana
- Paschimottan Asana
- Vajra Asana
Nadi Shodhan pranayama is very useful for clearing the blockages of heart. This pranayama also removes stress which is beneficial for the heart.
Anuloma Viloma Pranayama
Anuloma Viloma Pranayama is similar to Nadi Shodhan Pranayama, only difference is it can be done bit faster than Nadi Shodhan. Here are the simple steps.
- Sit in Padmasana
- With the thumb of the right hand press the right nostril and inhale fully. Try to inhale to full capacity of the lungs.
- Release the thumb from the right nostrils and press the left nostrils with two middle fingers of right hand. Now exhale fully through right nostril.
- Keep the left nostril pressed with the two middle fingers and inhale through right nostrils.
- Release the middle fingers and again press the thumb on the right nostril and exhale through left nostril.
This completes one round. The procedure is similar to Nadi shodhan pranayama, but in Nadi Shodhana pranayama it is done very slowly and there is not sound while breathing. in anuloma viloma pranamaya you can hear the sound of the air against the nasal walls while breathing. Important thing to remember is to try to inhale and exhale to full capacity of your lungs. Complete 20 rounds and over the period of next few months you can increase it to 80-90 rounds. You can also take a break depending on your capacity and resume after some rest. This Pranayama will oxygenate the entire body, remove stress and remove the blockages from the arteries.
Reduce the animal fat and fried food intake to minimum. Avoid meat products and try to stick to vegetarian food. Avoid over eating and spicy food as digesting heavy food put more pressure on the digestive system and the heart.
Gourd Juice (Louki in Hindi)
This has been popularized a lot by Swami Ramdev and thousands of people have reportedly benefited from this. Drinking a glass of Gourd Juice every day clears the blockages of heart. Make sure that the juice should not be bitter. Gourd (Louki) is readily available all over India and found in most Indian grocery stores abroad and quite cheap.
Reduce Stress
Avoiding stress is also vital. When we are stressful the heart rate increases and it starts pumping more blood and the blood pressure rises. Avoiding the stress is very important factor for heart patients. There is an earlier post on Conscious relaxation which is very good way to reduce stress. Another way to reduce stress is to meditate regularly. Take out some time in the day (preferably in the early morning) and try to meditate for at least 15 minutes.
Jal Neti
Jal Neti clears the nasal passage and helps in easy breathing, as well as good for reducing blood pressure.
Living a Healthy Lifestyle
It is better to follow a lifestyle which will eliminate these problems as they say prevention is better than cure. Living a simple life while enjoying the gifts which we have received from god and being content in them is essential to healthy living. A combination of yoga asanas, Pranayama, proper food and avoiding stress are excellent ways to ensure a healthy life.
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