Treating Eczema with Yoga and Ayurveda
Eczema is a type of skin disease in which skin becomes dry and itchy, and cracks can appear. In severe cases skin can come out. It is known as Dermatitis and there is inflammation on the upper part of the skin. As per modern medical science (Allopathy) there is no known cure for Eczema. Usually steroids are given to suppress the symptoms which have various side effects. If the below mentioned treatment is followed with belief Eczema can be cure. You can see the effects in two to three days itself. Continue the treatment till you get completely cured.
Treatment Process
Following are the steps which can be followed for treating Eczema.
Stress and toxins are the major reason for eczema and it spread. Therefore I would like to suggest a combination of Yoga, Ayurveda and Water Therapy and Vaman Dhouti.
Precautions for Eczema
There are certain precautions which can stop its growth and help you to heal.
First and foremost is retaining the moisture in the affected area. Try to avoid applying soap in that region as soap will dry up the skin. Dryness leads to more itching sensation and in turn increases the problem and the infection spreads to adjoining areas. Apply some good moisturizer to maintain the moisture level, especially after the bath and also apply moisturizer before going to bed.
Also avoid wearing synthetic clothing.
Avoid Sweet.
Avoid food to which you may be allergic. Usually these may include eggs, milk, wheat products. Observe if the irritation increases after consuming a particular food and then avoid that food. Avoiding egg plant or Brinjal.
Avoid Garlic as it produces heats and disturbs Pitta.
Related Post
Amla -Aloe Vera juice for Eczema and Stomach Problems
Here is an article about how a lady Got rid of Eczema
Treatment Process
Following are the steps which can be followed for treating Eczema.
Stress and toxins are the major reason for eczema and it spread. Therefore I would like to suggest a combination of Yoga, Ayurveda and Water Therapy and Vaman Dhouti.
- Yoga
I started doing Kapalbhati and Nadi Shodhan Pranayama for 15 minutes each. Kapalbhati pranayama removes toxins from the respiratory system and Nadi Shodhan pranayama increases the oxygen levels in the lungs tremendously which helps in cleaning the nerves. Both these pranayamas also reduce stress. Stress is one of the main reasons for spreading of skin diseases. I also included certain poses in my practice more regularly like Sarvanga asana and Halasana. They work on all the internal organs and flush out the toxins. Meditation also helps as it reduces the stress. - Ayurveda
From the perspective of Ayurveda (Ancient Indian medicine system) major reason for skin diseases are the disturbance of Pitta. In Indian medicine system of Ayurveda there is a concept of three Doshas. They are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. Eczema is caused by disturbance of Pitta. Therefore effort to be there to restore the Pitta balance. For more information in Doshas please visit Concept of TriDoshas. You can also visit
Neem Leaves : Use of Neem(Azadirachta indica) leaves can be used as both oral medicine and as a lotion. For this plucked few neem leaves from the tree and wash them. First thing in the morning chew and eat 10 to 12 leaves with water. Although these are very bitter but extremely beneficial. It is quite difficult thing to eat but an easier way is to take some water in the mouth and put the neem leaves in the mouth and start chewing them. Gulp the portion which you chewed with the water and then again take some more water. If taken first thing in the morning before taking any food they are more useful. Taking the leaves for 10-15 days will reduce the infection rapidly and continue taking this till you are cured. Those who do not have access to neem leaves can take it in capsule form and also used neem soap or oil.
You can create paste of the neem leaves with water and add a pinch of turmeric and apply the paste on the skin. Keep the paste in a small plastic container and took them to the office and applied it after every hour or so. When you first apply the paste there will be a feeling similar to what you will feel if you applied an ointment to a wound but it will be very feeble. From the first day onwards you will feel that the itching urge is reduced to almost to zero level. Usually before this this treatment you will have the itching urge every few minutes, but after starting this you will see the improvement from the second day onwards. Itching urge will be still there, but it will be very less.
Traditionally Bengalis (Linguistic Community to which I belong) eat fried Neem leaves with rice and ghee(clarified butter) in months of February and March and I think major reason behind this could be removing the toxins from the system and making the body ready for the harsh summer to follow. Now this is not followed by the new generation, but I think this tradition needs to be revived.
Another excellent way to cleanse the system is by drinking one glass of water with one teaspoon of Amla or Triphala powder before going to bed. - Vaman Dhouti
Vaman Dhouti is one of the six yogic methodologies to cleanse the body. Vaman Dhouti balances the Pitta. For more information on please visit previous article on Vaman Dhouti. Vaman Dhouti can be done every second day during the treatment for first 20 days and then you can reduce it gradually to third day then every fourth day and so on. - Water Therapy
Water therapy is a method in which water is used for flushing out the toxins from the body. This should be done everyday while treating Eczema. Please see my earlier post on Water therapy for more information. In case you are also doing Vaman Dhouti, then perform Vaman Dhouti before water therapy.
Precautions for Eczema
There are certain precautions which can stop its growth and help you to heal.
First and foremost is retaining the moisture in the affected area. Try to avoid applying soap in that region as soap will dry up the skin. Dryness leads to more itching sensation and in turn increases the problem and the infection spreads to adjoining areas. Apply some good moisturizer to maintain the moisture level, especially after the bath and also apply moisturizer before going to bed.
Also avoid wearing synthetic clothing.
Avoid Sweet.
Avoid food to which you may be allergic. Usually these may include eggs, milk, wheat products. Observe if the irritation increases after consuming a particular food and then avoid that food. Avoiding egg plant or Brinjal.
Avoid Garlic as it produces heats and disturbs Pitta.
Related Post
Amla -Aloe Vera juice for Eczema and Stomach Problems
Here is an article about how a lady Got rid of Eczema
I have been suffering form ECZEMA for 16 yrs on my left leg. it is very dry, dark & itchy. i am treating regularly but not got permanent cure. plz suggest me.
Hi Sanju,
All these methods are effective which are mentioned in the article. If I have to choose only two things, I would suggest the following.
1. Take 15 - 16 Neem leaves every day first thing in the morning with a glass or two of water. Try to use the tender leaves.
2. Practice Surya namsakar for 16 rounds. It is important to make sure that sweat come out during the practice as the toxins will be flushed out with the sweat. So practice the Surya namaskar at a fast pace. if required take two breaks for 2 mins.
Among the asanas Halasana and Sarvangasana are very good. In this asanas blood get accumulated in the throat region and the liver is recharged which also removes toxins from the blood.
Lastly have some patience and keep doing. Although you will see the results in 2-3 days onwards but continue this for few months so that total cure is achieved.
Thanks for your informative post. I had a question about Neem - it comes in 2 varieties - one that we use in cooking, the other is too bitter for consumption. Which variety are you referring to?
Hi Khyati, You need to use tender leaves of bitter Neem.
Hi, i had eczema when i was little but then it went for ages and now ive turned 15 it started again. Its on my forehead, my upper lip, both sides of my face, above my elbow on my left arm and on my neck. Sometimes in the morning when i wake up i cannot open my mouth becuse the skin is extremly dry and my neck has gone a horrible dark colour and it will bleed, the blood will drip and fall onto my clothes. It effects my education and has taken away my friends from me because they dont like sitting next to me becasue of my eczema. I dont go out to shop because i feel embrassed, everyone questions me and i hate it because i cant have a normal life. Everyday when i go sleep, i cry, but no one knows i cry. Please can you help me.
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