Wonders of Garlic
>> Sunday, March 08, 2009 –
Garlic is an underground herb belonging to the onion family. Garlic is very commonly used as a spice in many Asian recipes. Garlic enhances the taste of the food as well as it helps in making them digestible. Most of the ancient civilizations like Greeks, Romans and Indians knew about its healing properties since long time and used it for treating various ailments.
Medicinal properties of garlic has been well known and documented for hundreds of years. Vagbhatta says "Whoever consumes garlic regularly and religiously in every winter will stay free from diseases, healthy and live for 100 years".
Usually raw and crushed garlic, consumed immediately is most beneficial, but most people find the smell repelling. The cloves can also me taken with water without crushing. Usually two to three cloves taken in the morning with water or milk is the recommended practice.
Garlic contains allyl propyl disulphide, diallyl disulphide and few sulphur compounds which evaporate when they come in contact with air. These have very powerful anti bacterial and anti virus properties. Infections of the intestine can be cured by using garlic. Garlic is also effective in treating worms of intestine and Tuberculosis. When Tuberculosis patients are given a massage with Garlic boiled oil it destroys the germs from the body and heals the patient faster. Massaging the body with oil boiled with Garlic relieves problems of cough and cold.
As per Ayurveda, the food which we eat also creates toxins, which starts getting accumulated in the body and especially the joints. When joints are accumulated with toxins, it creates various painful diseases in the joints. To release the toxins from the joints usually massage therapy is used, which increases the blood flow and removes the accumulated toxins. Garlic also behaves in similar way by increasing the blood flow and is useful in treating diseases like Rheumatic Arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Sciatica etc.
Garlic reduces the cholesterol in the blood and arteries, reduces blood pressure and dissolves blood clots and it is therefore good for preventing heart diseases. Garlic is also considered to be aphrodisiac.
You can read an article on simple technique about how to cure ear infection which was posted earlier titled Home remedy for curing infection of the ears.
Care to be Taken
Medicinal properties of garlic has been well known and documented for hundreds of years. Vagbhatta says "Whoever consumes garlic regularly and religiously in every winter will stay free from diseases, healthy and live for 100 years".
Usually raw and crushed garlic, consumed immediately is most beneficial, but most people find the smell repelling. The cloves can also me taken with water without crushing. Usually two to three cloves taken in the morning with water or milk is the recommended practice.
Garlic contains allyl propyl disulphide, diallyl disulphide and few sulphur compounds which evaporate when they come in contact with air. These have very powerful anti bacterial and anti virus properties. Infections of the intestine can be cured by using garlic. Garlic is also effective in treating worms of intestine and Tuberculosis. When Tuberculosis patients are given a massage with Garlic boiled oil it destroys the germs from the body and heals the patient faster. Massaging the body with oil boiled with Garlic relieves problems of cough and cold.
As per Ayurveda, the food which we eat also creates toxins, which starts getting accumulated in the body and especially the joints. When joints are accumulated with toxins, it creates various painful diseases in the joints. To release the toxins from the joints usually massage therapy is used, which increases the blood flow and removes the accumulated toxins. Garlic also behaves in similar way by increasing the blood flow and is useful in treating diseases like Rheumatic Arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Sciatica etc.
Garlic reduces the cholesterol in the blood and arteries, reduces blood pressure and dissolves blood clots and it is therefore good for preventing heart diseases. Garlic is also considered to be aphrodisiac.
You can read an article on simple technique about how to cure ear infection which was posted earlier titled Home remedy for curing infection of the ears.
Care to be Taken
- If excessive consumption causes heat then stop its consumption for few days and consume milk, butter and clarified butter in more quantity.
- People who get angry easily should not consume more quantity of Garlic.
- Pregnant ladies, leprosy patients, weak persons and inflammation of urinary tract should not consume Garlic.
- Sour food like Tamarind, Pickle and Lemon should be avoided while taking treatment of Garlic.
- Avoid excessive exercise and going out in the hot sun.
According to Ayurveda, liquor, meat and khatai goes well with garlic. Person eating garlic should stop exercising, avoid sun, anger, excessive water, milk and jaggery (gud).