Urdhavmukh Swanasana - Upward Facing Dog Pose

Urdhavmukh Swanasana - Upward Facing Dog is the complementary asana of Adhomukh Swanasana. In this pose the practitioner faces upwards and the body is balanced on the palms and the toes. This asana is good for the back, spine and the wrists.

How to practice Urdhavmukh Swanasana?

  1. Lie down on your stomach on the mat and place the palms besides the chest.

  2. Inhale and lift the head and trunk and stretch back. Increase the stretch by pushing your head back. The body is balanced on the palms and toes.

  3. The knees should not touch the ground. Stretch your arms and contract the buttocks.

  4. Stay in this pose for 15-20 breath counts as per your capacity and then come back by first bending the elbows and bringing down the entire body. Lie on your stomach.

  5. Repeat for 2-3 rounds.

Benefits of Urdhavmukh Swanasana

  1. As mentioned above the spine gets a good stretch which increases the blood flow in them. People with stiff back and back pain get benefited.

  2. The wrists bear the weight so they get stronger.

  3. The abdomen get toned.

  4. Entire arms and shoulders are also strengthened.

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