Asanas and Acupressure for Common Cold and Sinusitis

In a previous article on Jal Neti we discussed how practicing Jal Neti helps us to get avoid problems of Sinusitis and common cold. Here we will see different asanas which if performed regularly will also have the same benefits. This is not to say that these asanas are replacement of Jal Neti. At the same time Jal Neti is also not a replacement of these asanas.

Some of the benefits are common in different practices though the way they act of the body part is different.

Jal Neti acts mainly on the nasal passage, cleaning and massaging the inner linings of the nose, there by preventing the infection, on the other hand the asanas increase the blood flow to a particular organ of the body and takes out the toxins from that area. Whenever there is more blood flow to an area more white blood cells(WBC) also reach that area. WBC are used by the body to fight with infections and external germs. Another wonderful effect of Asana is that it regulates proper secretion of hormones which keeps our immune system healthy.

Most of the asanas which are helpful in Sinisitis and Cold are inverted pose. In the inverted poses the there is increased blood flow in the upper region of the body like chest, throat, nose and brain, which helps in maintaining these parts in healthy state.

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