How to improve body posture with Yoga?

Being in correct posture is important for an individual from both social and health perspective. People who walk erect are more confident about themselves. If a person lacks self confidence then practicing to walk in a straight manner will bring more confidence. The reason is also simple, you start giving out more positive signal to others who then start treating you with more respect. This in turn brings more self respect, which is an important factor, as people with self respect are the ones who are respected by the others.

From the health point of view also correctness of posture is very important. The back will have lesser stress if you walk and sit with your spine straight. There is less strain on the neck muscles.

How to check if Posture is good?

If we posture is not straight, then it also leads to shallow breathing, which means you breath more number of times in a minute. You can try a simple exercise to see this fact practically. First slouch on a chair or stand in a loose fashion with the back not straight. Try to breathe deeply. You will find that you are not able to fill to your lung’s capacity. Now stand or sit in a straight position. Again try to breathe in fully. You will immediately find the difference in the amount of air your lungs can absorb.

Poses for improving correct Posture

Usually the poses which strengthen the back are also good for maintaining good body posture.

Gomukh Asana : It opens up the shoulder blades and improves the flexibility of shoulder region. It is helpful good for hunched back problem.

Bhujangasana : This asana strengthens the back muscles and helps in improving the posture.

Ustrasana (Camel Pose): This asana improves the flexibility of the back and spine and strengthens the back muscles.

Sitting in Meditative asanas like Vajrasana, Padmasana also strengthen the back muscles.

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