Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus Pose)

Ardha Padmasana (Half Lotus Pose) is an asana which helps us to prepare for Padmasana. As we saw in the article Benefits of Padmasana, sitting in Padmasana helps us to be stable and still during meditation and Pranayama. We also learned the loosening exercises for the joints which makes out leg joints flexible. Ardh Padmasana pose further loosens the leg joints and prepares us for Padmasana.

Ardh Padmasana

Ardh Padmasana

How to practice Ardh Padmasana (Half Lotus Pose)?

  • Sit with the legs extended fully and straight in front of you. Relax for few seconds, then lean forward and hold your right feet and place it on top of left thigh. I have observed that this is the easiest way to place your feet on another feet. If you try to place the feet on top of another feet while that is already folded then it is more difficult.

  • Try to bring the right sole as close as possible towards the groin.

  • Now fold the left knee while placing below the right leg.

  • Stay in this position for around 15 - 20 seconds initially and come out of it. Gradually increase the stay to around 10 minutes atleast. One way to keep yourself occupied while in the pose is practicing Kapalbhati pranayama for around 300 rounds. This way you get the benefits of Prnayama and also this pose

  • Repeat the same for the other leg for same amount of time,

    If your legs are too stiff you will feel pain and you should come out of the pose. It is recommended that you follow the exercises mentioned in the article about loosening exercises for joints for few weeks before you attempt Ardh Padmasana and Padmasana.

    Benefits of Ardh Padmasana

    Benefits of Ardh Padmasana are same as benefits of Sitting in Padmasana but at a reduce level.

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