Surya Namaskar - Day 4

Today was the fourth day of my Sun Salutation experiment. Yesterday I increased the number of round in a set to 4. Now I am doing 3 sets of four rounds and one set of two round which still make if fourteen rounds, but the total number of rounds have decreased from five to four. From tomorrow I am planning to reduce the sets to four.

I felt that the legs were tired during the third set. But after around 30 minutes of finishing the routine I did not feel any tiredness in my legs. This I think is a good sign and shows that I am gaining strength in my legs. I remember that few months back I used to be quite tired after doing 5 rounds. Another improvement I have noticed is I am able to recover faster between the sets. The breathing comes back to normal rates faster than it used to take 1 month back, which indicates that the heart is now much more efficient. What I really want to see is if my resting pulse rate decreases after one month. It is consistently in nineties for past few years, and that is way too high from the average of seventy to seventy two.

It took around 21 minutes to complete the 14 rounds which also included rest between the sets. I feel that gradually this will also decrease. At present I am not doing the routine too fast and trying to synchronize the moves with the breath as much as possible. What I have also noticed is high concentration is also required to correctly do the otherwise I sometimes end up moving the wrong leg. I am hoping that this will help in improving my concentration also.

The food I am taking these days is the normal food I would take as per preparations at home. I know that if I also control the food intake that would make it more useful, but my purpose is to test the benefits of Surya Namaskar purely on its own.


Surya Namaskar is one of the detoxification techniques used in Yoga Therapy. When I intially started, boils appeared on my chest and face. The skin infection that I have on the elbow and back of neck is improving but not that much significantly. I think once I graduate to 21 rounds the benefits will be more visible. But there is no itching on those places. Two days back on the 2nd and third day I also had eye pain. Today it is not there. I do not know if that was due to detoxification of some problem of the eye. I will find that in a few days.

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